(juniperus communis)
The oil is steam distilled (or steam-andwater distilled) from the crushed, dried or partially dried, ripe berries (fruits).
Juniper Berry essential oil is obtained from the Juniperus communis of the Cupressaceae family and is commonly known as common juniper. It is an evergreen shrub that can usually grow up to 10 meters but is cultivated to a height of 2 meters. It has blue-green needle like leaves, small yellow flowers and its female tree gives blue or black fruit. The oil can be extracted from the berries, as well as from the needles and wood. As an herb it has incredible medicinal values and is widely used against the contagious diseases. Juniper berry oil has a fresh, clear but slightly woody aroma. It is a pale oil with a watery viscosity. This crisp essential oil is widely used in aromatherapy in order to help stimulate and strengthen the nerves and also bolster the spirits especially in challenging situations.
Apperance:- pale yellow clear liquid (est)
Odor:- fresh balsamic terpenic woody carrot seed fir needle peppery
Specific Gravity:- 0.86900 to 0.85900 @ 25.00 degree C.
Refractive Index:- 1.47200 to 1.48400 @ 20.00 degree C.
Optical Rotation:- -15.00 to 0.00
Acid Value:- mg KOH/g, not more than 2.0
Solubility:- alcohol , fixed oils , paraffin oil
Extraction:- The oil is obtained from steam distilled from a combination of berries and twigs.
Composition:- The Chemical Composition of JUNIPER BERRY OIL are a-pinene, camphene, b-pinene, sabinene, myrcene, a-phellandrene, a-terpinene, y-terpinene, 1,4-cineole, b-phellandrene, p-cymene, terpinen-4-ol, bornyl acetate, cayophyllene and trace amounts of limonene, camphor, linalool, linalyl acetate, borneol and nerol.
Uses & Benefits:-
Juniperberry Oil is used in perfumery for its fresh-balsamic notes, as a modifier for various pine needle oils (with which it blends very well), with citrus oil is room spray perfumes, in ambres, fougsres, chypres, after-shave fragrance, spice composition, colognes etc. Labdanum absolute is an excellent fixative for Juniperberry Oil.
Safety Precautions:-
People those are suffering with Kidney disease should avoid this.
The scent of Juniper Berry oil is woody, spicy, and clean. When used for its aroma, Juniper Berry essential oil has a calming and grounding effect and can also be diffused to help cleanse and purify the air.
Juniper oil is used in aromatherapy to help stimulate and strengthen the nerves and bolster the spirits in challenging situations, while helping to relieve urine retention. It is used for treating rheumatism, arthritis and gout, as well as cellulite, acne, dermatitis, blocked pores, psoriasis and weeping eczemas. The main chemical components of juniper oil are a-pinene, camphene, b-pinene, sabinene, myrcene, a-phellandrene, a-terpinene, y-terpinene, 1,4-cineole, b-phellandrene, p-cymene, terpinen-4-ol, bornyl acetate, cayophyllene and trace amounts of limonene, camphor, linalool, linalyl acetate, borneol and nerol.
Juniper Berry Oil for Exotic Aromas by Aromas Oils Are you an aroma enthusiast seeking an exotic scent Experience Juniper Berry Oil available for DIY or industrial use from Aromas Oils Our leading position as a juniper berry oil exporter transcends borders offering this enchanting oil to users worldwide Botany Various Juniper varieties yield their female seeds often referred to as Juniper berries These conelike structures resembling berries grow on the shrub Juniper reaching an average height of 3 meters With branches spreading around an erect trunk and straight leaves Juniper is a captivating plant Overview of Juniper Berry Oil While Juniper mostly thrives in North America and Europe in India it grows at elevations of 1500 to 4000 feet Juniper Berry Oil derived from the dried berries of Juniperus communis acts as a potent detoxifier boosting the immune system Research indicates the origin of Juniper Berry plants in Bulgaria Juniper Berry Essential Oil Benefits Aroma lovers and juniper berry essential oil manufacturers explore the oil for various benefits Calming and grounding fragrance Effective against urinary infections inflammation arthritis and fatigue Clears dark spots blemishes and evens skin tone Cleanses the liver aids digestion and reduces cellulite Juniper Berry Essential Oil Uses In ancient times Juniper was revered for its magical powers fighting evil spirits and used as incense for purifying environments It finds contemporary applications Added to skincare items for wellness properties and aroma Fruits used to flavor food and manufacture alcoholic beverages Used as a detoxifying agent antiseptic tonic diuretic and purifying agent Applied in treating various conditions like eczema bronchitis and nervous exhaustion Diffused for fragrance and insect repellent Small and large users obtain the oil from juniper berry oil wholesale suppliers Juniper Berry Essential Oil Blends Well With Juniper Berry essential oil complements Eucalyptus Clary Sage Rosemary Marjoram Bergamot Sandalwood Chamomile and Geranium Juniper berry oil suppliers also offer these oils for blending Available Product Variants Juniper Berry Hydrosol General Precautionary Measures Suggestions from juniper berry essential oil manufacturers Avoid use during pregnancy due to its potential to stimulate uterine muscles Individuals with kidney disorders should refrain from using due to its nephrotoxic nature Seek professional advice if not completely familiar with its properties and uses Juniper Berry Essential Oil Storage Instructions Transfer the received essential oil from juniper berry essential oil suppliers to amber dark glass bottles storing them in cool dark places away from sunlight and heat to preserve their essence Locations Covered As a Juniper berry oil bulk supplier we deliver products worldwide including the UK US Canada Australia New Zealand South Korea China Taiwan Thailand Vietnam South Africa France Spain Poland
Steam distilled oil from ripe berries of Juniper Communis found in Jammu & Kashmir and in Lahaul-Spiti, Kinnaur and chamba Distt. of Himachal Pradesh. The oil has been known for a long time as a diuretic. Because of its local irritating effect on inflamed organs, however, great care must be exercised during its administration Uses and Advance Studies: * Juniper Berry Oil is used widely in essence for the flavouring of beverages and liquors, particularly of the Gin and Sloegin type * Several European liquors, "Steinhager" have their characteristic flavour chiefly due to the presence of Juniper Berry Oil * Juniper Berry Oi is carminative, Stimulant and Diuretic. It is useful in Stomatitis, chest trouble, Liver complaints, Piles, Labour Pain
Juniper Berry Essential Oil is one of the most versatile oils in the world
Juniper Berry Oil Availability : In Stock Botanical name: JuniperusCommunis. Description: Juniper Berry oil is obtained from the fruit (Berry) of Juniper plant. The shrub is belongs to the family of pine, It is basically used in aromatherapy & perfumery. Branch & berries of the juniper have been used for medicinal & religious purposesand is normal antibacterial. It is also used in massage oil, liniments, and baths because of its skill to take care of ache and swelling, rheumatism and varicose veins by warming and soothing the muscles. Extraction: Juniper Berry Oil is extracted from the Berries & Needles by the method of Steam Distillation. Properties: It is a Colourless Liquid with a crisp sweet earthy & almost a hidden fruity aroma. Blending: Juniper BerryOil blends well with Bergamot, cedarwood, Grape fruit , lime lemograss&vetiver. Uses: It promotes blood circulation and it also relieves from swelling. It is very good for those suffering from chronic gas trouble and it also promotes urination. It helps in cleaning the skin pores & openings of sweat & sebum glands. It increases activity of brain & nervous system. It is a great tonic and also acts as blood purifier. It helps to cure kidney stones, inflammation. It is used for treating rheumatism, arthritis & gout,dermatitis & eczemas. Safety&Precautions: It should not be used by pregnant women and those who are breast feeding. Juniper berry might irritate the stomach and intestines, making disorders in these organs worse. It is may be have an effect on levels of blood sugar, blood sugar control more difficult during and after surgery. Stop using juniper at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery. A.G.Essential Oils situated at Delhi NCR (Noida) is manufacturer,supplier & exporter of this product in bulk and wholesale. We offer various Indian Essential oils, Carrier Oils & Aromatherapy Oils on below terms:- Juniper Berry Oil Suppliers Juniper Berry Oil Manufacturers Juniper Berry Oil Wholesaler Juniper Berry Oil Exporters 100% Pure Juniper Berry Oil
The plant is small bushy shrubs or tree, 3-35 feet in height growing at an altitude ranging from 8800 to 15,400 feet in the Himalayan region . The berries are plucked from the branches of the plant once a year and dried and ground before distillation. Juniper Berry Essential Oil is credited as being a supportive, restoring, and a tonic aid. It is excellent for meditation and is a popular oil in weight loss and detoxification blends, because of its diuretic properties. It is also considered purifying and clearing for the mind.
Botanical Name: Juniperus recurva Common Name: Dhup, Dhupi, Drooping Juniper Family: Cupressaceae Parts Used: Fruit, Leaves and Twigs Description: The Himalayan Juniper oil which comes from a high mountain distillery, is not refracted, giving it a more wholesome full woody-pines scent than other junipers oils as it includes more notes which are often extracted in common commercial juniper oil. Such oil helps to energize and relieve exhaustion, ease inflammation and spasms, improve mental clarity and memory, purifying the body, to lessen fluid retention, for disinfecting. Juniper is said to exert a cleansing effect on the mental and spiritual planes as well as on the physical. Active Compounds: Mainly monoterpenes, pinene, myrocene, sabinene, limonine, cymene, terpinien, thujene, camphene Medicinal Properties: Antirheumatic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antitoxic, aphrodisiac, astringent, carminative, cicatrizant, depurative, diuretic, ammanagogue, nervine, parasiticide, rubificant, sedative, stomachic, sudorific, tonic, vulnerary Uses: Juniper is used medicinally for urinary infections, for respiratory problems as well as gastro-intestinal infections and worms.
Regarding aromatherapy, Juniper Berry\'s chemical profile is believed to be beneficial in� supporting cognitive function and overall mental health. Its calming scent is also believed to produce sedative effects. Diffusing Juniper Berry Essential Oil during meditation or prior to sleep may help one feel calm and relaxed.