We can supply insulin plant (also called Chamaecostus Cuspidatus (Botanical name), Spiral ginger, Fiery Costus, Spiral flag) in 10 kg pack. Approx 12 - 15 rhizomes will be there for each kilogram. We can also supply in the form of powder/tea & juice
PRODUCT INFO Finger Root, also known as Chinese ginger, Chinese key, Chinese-keys is the low herb which creeps in soil. It has rhizomes which is thick, aromatic and yellow brown of size 5-30 x 0.5-2 cm in size. The petiole of the plant is hairless, grooved and 7-16 cm long. Leaves are lanceolate and erect in shape with pointed tip and smooth surface. The leaves have light green color of 5-11 cm wide. The flowers are pink to yellow to white which is tubular and 50-52 mm. It grows in lowland tropical regions. The flowering time occurs in January to February and April to June. It grows well in humid and hot climate. Fingerroot is native to Southeast Asia and China but also cultivated in India, Cambodia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Vietnam and Thailand. USES Finger Root is a medicinal as well as culinary herb also called Chinese ginger that is native to China and Southeast Asia. As the shape of rhizome resembles fingers, it has got named as fingerroot. It is known as krachai in Thai. This plant belongs to Zingiberaceae family. This plant is either perennial or biennial that has tall leaves and pink to purple flowers. SEASONS Finger root is available year-round.
We Nethra Organic Farm who cultivate Costus pictus (insulin plant also called Chamaecostus Cuspidatus (Botanical name), Spiral ginger, Fiery Costus, Spiral flag) medicinal plant and manufacture insulin powder pure as basic raw material , suitable to Pharma, Siddha and Ayurveda firms who manufacture diabetes related medicine in form of capsules/tablet.
Organically Grown Insulin Leaves Handpicked and sundried - 01 Kg packed in Paper Box
Insulin plants leaves and plants
We have one more miraculous product for diabetics i.e. Insulin plant. Insulin plant belongs to the family Costaceae. (Costus Spicatus) It is now accepted and used widely as an Ayurveda medicinal herb. Less than 1% world population knows about this wonderful plant and its magical effect on diabetes. It is 100% natural and has no side effects It's a Magical control for Diabetes. Its leaf helps to build up insulin in the human body so it is commonly known as insulin plant. The catchphrase of this plant is â??a leaf a day keeps diabetes away". Consumption of the leaves are believed to lower blood glucose levels, and diabetics who consumed the leaves of this plant did report a fall in their blood glucose levels. we are selling products which have red color branches ( it is most suitable products to prevent diabetes
Fingerroot, also known as Chinese ginger, Chinese key, Chinese-keys is the low herb which creeps in soil. It has rhizomes which is thick, aromatic and yellow brown of size 5-30 x 0.5-2 cm in size. The petiole of the plant is hairless, grooved and 7-16 cm long. Leaves are lanceolate and erect in shape with pointed tip and smooth surface. The leaves have light green color of 5-11 cm wide. The flowers are pink to yellow to white which is tubular and 50-52 mm. It grows in lowland tropical regions. The flowering time occurs in January to February and April to June. It grows well in humid and hot climate. Fingerroot is native to Southeast Asia and China but also cultivated in India, Cambodia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Vietnam and Thailand. PRODUCT INFO Fingerroot is a medicinal as well as culinary herb also called Chinese ginger that is native to China and Southeast Asia. As the shape of rhizome resembles fingers, it has got named as fingerroot. It is known as krachai in Thai. This plant belongs to Zingiberaceae family. This plant is either perennial or biennial that has tall leaves and pink to purple flowers. USES Fingerroot is a vital ingredient used in many Asian countries and also used as a condiment in food. Traditionally it is used for the treatment of various illnesses as a tonic for childbirth, preventive remedy for leucorrhea and beauty aid for teenage girls. Rhizomes are used for the treatment of inflammatory diseases. Leaves are used for alleviating poisoning and allergies. It is also used to cure infections. The study shows that the isolated bioactive compounds found in fingerroot helps to treat various diseases. It is used to accelerate the development of stronger drugs to counteract diseases in future. SEASONS Finger root is available year-round.
Botanical Name - Saraca asoca Category - Medicinal Form - Dry Part Used - Bark, Seed, Flowers General Information - Ashok or Ashoka (which is a Sanskrit term meaning one without sorrow or grief) also called Ashokbriksh and botanically known as Saraca asoca (Roxb.) W. J. de Wilde or Saraca indica L. is among the most ancient medicinal plants known in India. It belongs to the family Caesalpiniaceae. Saraca asoca (Roxb.) has been regarded as a universal panacea in old Indian Ayurvedic texts and has especially been used to manage gynaecological complications and infections besides treating haem-morhagic dysentery, uterine pain, bacterial infections, skin problems, tumours, worm infestations, cardiac and circulatory problems. Almost all parts of the plant are considered pharmacologically valuable. Extensive folkloric practices and ethnobotanical appli-cations of this plant have even lead to the availability of several commercial S. asoca formulations recom-mended for different indications though adulteration of these remains a pressing concern. Though a wealth of knowledge on this plant is available in both the classical and modern literature. The tree is found mainly throughout India, especially in West Bengal, Assam, Odisha, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Meghalaya and Maharashtra9. It is also widely distributed across the Western Ghats (both South and Central), the Sahyadri region and throughout the Himalayas. Phytochemicals- "Bark of S. asoca is the most important organ for its medicinal value. It is known to contain flavonoids, tannins, steroids, volatile oil, glycosides, steroidal gly-cosides such as Beta-sitosterol glucoside, reducing sugars, and many compounds of potassium, sodium, cal-cium, aluminum, strontium, calcium, iron, magnesium and phosphate. Powdered bark also carries cellular species such as tracheids, stone, parenchyma, sieve tubes and other cells. leaves of S. asoca have remained the next best investigated plant tissue from the metabolic profile standpoint. They have been reported to contain alkaloids, steroids, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, terpenoids, poly-phenolics, glycosides and many car bohydrates. The flower s of S. asoca have been shown to contain tan-nins, flavonoids, saracasin, saracadin, waxy substances, carbohydrates, proteins and steroids Seeds of S. asoca have been reported to contain various fatty acids such as oleic, linoleic, palmitic and stearic acids; sterols such as catechol and epicatechol; and a fla-vonoid, leucocyanidin. Fruits have been previously reported for the presence of various fatty acids such as oleic, linoleic, palmitic and stearic acids; sterols like catechol and epicatechol, and a flavonoid, leucocyanidin."
Supplier: Insulin Plants
Buyer: Insulin Cuttings
Supplier: Costus igneus insulin plant products