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Gurusewa Chemical Trade Import Export LLP

GOLD Member
Member From India
Agarwood Oil (Oud Hindi)

Agarwood oil, also known as oud oil or oudh oil, is a highly valued essential oil derived from the resin of the agarwood tree (Aquilaria species). The history of agarwood oil can be traced back centuries, with evidence of its use in ancient civilizations such as the Chinese, Indian, and Middle Eastern cultures.

Agarwood Oil Natural Identical

This oil is identical copy of natural combodian agarwood oil. It has all natural ingredients.

Cambodian Agarwood Oil

Cambodian Agarwood Oil

Oud Oil AA Grade

Oud Oil  AA Grade is highly used in retail sales and very popular among enthusiatic perfumers who need dark oud oil. Agarwood oil, also known as oud oil, has been a staple of traditional Indian medicine for centuries.

Oud Oil AAA Qadeem

How is oud different from perfume?� Oud is the ultimate perfume oil. With over 150 aromatic compounds in natural oud oil, it\'s a very complex fragrance. Our oud is certifiably 100% pure, natural aromatic, while commercial perfumes are generally 95% synthetic material.


Oud, known as Oudh in Arabian is one of the most expensive perfume ingredients in world. Oud oil is� extract of wood of tropical Agar (Aquilaria) tree, believed to have originated in the Assam region of India. Pure Oudh oil is considered as one of the strong fragrances and preferred in perfumery.18-Dec-2022

Areca Palm Table-Ware AP-RP- 3001

Areca Palm Table-Ware (Export Quality) AP-RP- 3001


Areca Palm Table-Ware AP-RP- 3002

Areca Palm Table-Ware (Export Quality) AP-RP- 3002

SIZE ( IN INCH ) - 9

Areca Palm Table-Ware AP-RP- 3003

Areca Palm Table-Ware (Export Quality) AP-RP- 3003


Areca Palm Table-Ware AP-RP- 3004

Areca Palm Table-Ware (Export Quality) AP-RP- 3004


Areca Palm Table-Ware AP-SP- 3011

Areca Palm Table-Ware (Export Quality) AP-SP- 3011


Areca Palm Table-Ware AP-SB- 3021

Areca Palm Table-Ware (Export Quality) AP-SB- 3021


Argan Oil

Argan Oil

Avocado Oil

Avocado Oil

Cinnamon Bark Oil Light

Cinnamon Bark Oil Light

Areca Palm Tableware AP-RP- 3012

Areca Palm Table-Ware (Export Quality) AP-RP- 3012


Areca Palm Tableware AP-SP- 3013

Areca Palm Table-Ware (Export Quality) AP-SP- 3013


Areca Palm Table-Ware AP-RP- 3014

Areca Palm Table-Ware (Export Quality) AP-RP- 3014


Compostable Hotel Specials SC-1063

-Slipper Pouches Semi Transparent / White

Compostable Hotel Specials SC-1061

Also Known as Suit / Shirt Cover / Semi Transparent

Compostable Hotel Specials LSCS - 1062

-Laundry Shirt Covers | Semi Transparent

Ajowain Oil/Ajwain Oil

Ajowain Essential Oil� is extracted through the steam distillation from the seeds of Ajwain. This essential oil is known for its galactagogue, anti spasmodic, amoebiasis and carminative expectorant properties. It is an anti microbial agent, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, antiseptic, and a tonic.

Allspice Essential Oil

Allspice Oil� is a wonderful oil to use in the diffuser during the fall and winter. If used at full-strength, it can be a potent mucous membrane irritant, so it\'s best blended at a low ratio with other essential oils before diffusing. I particularly like Allspice Oil blended with Orange Oil or Bergamot Oil. As one of the best� essential oils suppliers, the Allspice Essential Oil\'s high Eugenol (a phenol) content suggests that Allspice may act as an anti-viral oil.

Amber Oil Brown

Ambergris Oil sometimes also called Amber Oil Brown in colour. As one of the leading� essential oils suppliers� it can be used as fragrance ingredient, perfumes, cosmetic formulations etc.

Amber Oil White

Amber oil white, also known as white amber, is a popular ingredient in perfumery. It is a synthetic fragrance that is meant to mimic the scent of natural ambergris, a substance that is secreted by sperm whales and used in perfumery.

Ambrette Seed Oil â?? Natural Musk

Ambrette seed oil is a high quality essential oil that comes from the seeds of the musk mallow plant. This plant is found in India and the essential oils is extracted by using steam distillation.

Amyris Oil

Amyris grows wild on the Mountain slopes of Haiti. It is an evergreen wuith lovely white flowers, though the bark is the part of the plant which produces the resin which makes Sandalwood Amyris.

Angelica Root Oil

As one of the leading� essential oils manufacturers� the Angelica Root� Natural essential oil� of Angelica Root is obtained from steam distillation of roots and stems of Angelica Archangelica plant. It is found in hills of Himachal Pradesh and Kashmir region of north India.

Anise Star Oil

Spicy, warm, licorice-like aroma. Used by fishermen to mask human scent. It is a wonderful perfumery addition in subtle quantities, especially in Citrus blends or as an underpinning to a Vanilla blend. Well known for its effect on the digestive system. Blends well with cedarwood, chamomile, cypress, fennel, lavender, lime, neroli, nutmeg, orange, peppermint, petitgrain, rose, tea tree, and rosewood. Do not use if pregnant, except with advice of health care professional.

Aniseed Oil

Anise (Pimpinella anisum) is traditionally used as a aromatic herb in many drinks and baked foods because of the presence of volatile oils in its fruits commonly known as seeds. Anise is a herbaceous annual plant member of the apiacae family that can grow to heights of up to three feet. Thin pin -shaped roots produce narrow cut stems and leaves that form feathery lobes.

Armoise Oil

Armoise it calls also artemesia alba herb it is a species only growth in Morocco and provides the essential oil.Indeed Armoise, for example, helps in reducing stress and emotional situations when used in very highly diluted topical applications.

Asafoetida Oil

Asafoetida, an dried oleo-gum-resin which is exudated from the roots of Ferula assa-foetida.It is mainly found in the tap root of the perennial herb belonging to family of Apiaceae.It is native to iran and mainly found in the dessert area.

Balsam Peru Oil

BALSAM means a aromatic gelatinous effusion from the various herbs or tress. BALSAM of Peru is a resin derived or extracted from the tree MYROXYLON belonging to fabaceae family. Mainly cultivated in central and southern Latin American countries.

Balsam Peru Oil (Viscous Resin)

Balsam Peru Oil (Viscous Resin)

Balsam Tolu Oil

It is mostly a oil similar to the oil balsam of peru,but with few distinctions. It is cultivated from the plant Myroxylon toluiferum.The Origin of the name Tolu balsam can be traced back to Tol, a town and municipality in Sucre Department, northern Colombia.It is also said it was name of the precolumbian native people occupying this area.

Basil Oil

It is originated within India and found in vast lands of centre Uttar Pradesh Area including Kannauj, Kanpur and Badaun

Basil oil� contains magnesium, Vitamin A, iron, potassium, and calcium. Basil essential oil can also be used to treat uneasiness, indigestion, motion sickness, respiratory difficulties, constipation, and, to a lesser degree, diabetes.

Bay Leaf Oil/Bay Oil

Bay Leaf Oil/Bay Oil

Benzoin Oil (Sumatra)

Benzoin oil from Sumatra is a type of essential oil derived from the resin of the benzoin tree (Styrax benzoin), which is native to the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. Benzoin oil has a sweet, warm, and balsamic aroma, with notes of vanilla and spices.

Bergamot Mint Oil (Mentha Citrata)

The bergamot is a tiny, fragil tree belongs to Rutaceae family,having resembelance to other citrus plants, such as orange and lemon. It yields orange-like fruits twice a year. The peel of the fresh fruit is the source of bergamot oil other sources are rind, leaf and twig. It is native to Asia, but cultivated mostly in Calabria, Italy.

Bergamot Oil

Bergamot is a small, delicate plant that belongs to the Rutaceae family and resembles similar citrus trees like lemon and orange. It yields orange-like fruits twice a year. Bergamot oil comes from the peels of the fresh fruit, although it can also come from the leaves, twigs, or rind. Although it's native of Asia, it's largely grown in Calabria of Italy.

Betel Leaf Oil

Betel Leaf Oil

Birch Sweet Oil

The Birch tree is a graceful tree about 25m high, which has a pyramidal shape while young. It has bright green leaves and a dark reddish-brown aromatic bark, which his broken into plates or patches. Native to southern Canada and southeastern USA; it now grows also in Russia and parts of Eastern Europe.

Bitter Orange Oil

Bitter orange (Citrus xaurantium.L) or otherwise known as Seville orange belongs to family Rutaceae.It is commercially cultivated in subtropical region of European countries and in florida and California as well. The tree is of height not more than 30 ft (9 m), is more erect and has brown bark, green twigs. The fruit is round and oblong-oval rough-surfaced, with a strong, aromatic bitter peel

Black Pepper Oil

The black pepper whose botanical name is Pepir nigrum is initially a forest woody vine plant that uses trees and other support to grow taller about 12 feet to 20 feet high. This plant commonly has a lifespan nearly of 20 years. The start of using black pepper originated from the countries China, India, Indonesia, Madagascar and Malaysia.

Black Spruce Oil

lack Spruce Oil is very useful for smooth breathing while using as inhaler and also heal coughs, common cold, relax flu symptoms, throat infections ,sinus infections and asthma like allergies. It gives soothing sensation , open the blocked sinus airways for clear inhalation, also clear mucus and breathing congestion and sometimes used as steam inhalation blends , aromatherapy and Ayurvedic inhalers , can also be used a chest rub balm.

Blood Orange Oil

Blood Orange Oil

Blue Spruce Oil

Blue Spruce Oil

Blue Tansy Oil

Blue Tansy oil is made from the flowering plant using the process of steam distillation in extracting. This oil is usually known as annual tansy and Morrocan Chamomile one of the three chamomile oils that are used for oil production. Though, these oils are different from each other, the blue tansy oil has many properties that can also be found in German Chamomile.

Cade Oil

Cade Oil

Cajeput Oil

Cajuput tree (Melaleuca leucadendra) is a vigorous growing tree that reaches 98 feet. It is well-known as Kayaputi in ancient India. This tree is commonly recognized as the white tea tree which originates from the Malayan coastal plains.

Calamus Oil (High Asaron)

Calamus Oil (High Asaron)

Calamus Oil

Calamus Oil (Natural Identical)

Calendula Infused Oil

Calendula Infused Oil

Camphor Oil Brown

The brown camphor oil is� very potent decongestant and highly effective in getting rid of congestion from the respiratory tract. That\'s why it is widely used in the medicine industry to make cold balms, inhalers and rubs

Camphor Oil White

White Camphor Essential Oil for InflammationUsed topically, the cooling effects of Camphor Essential Oil� soothe inflammation, redness, sores, insect bites, itching, irritation, rashes, acne, sprains, and muscular aches and pains.

Capsicum Oleoresin

Capsicum Oleoresin

Caraway Oil

Caraway Oil

Cardamom Oil

The chemical makeup of Cardamom essential oil makes it a calming oilâ??allowing it to� provide soothing effects for the digestive system when ingested. Cardamom oil can be used to slow down muscle contractions in the intestines and to ease bowel looseness,* which is why it is commonly taken to aid in digestion.

Cardamom Oil FCC

Enjoy spicy, warming, and comforting essential oils? Try Cardamom essential oil. Cardamom essential oil comes from the cardamom plant, an herbaceous perennial that is a member of the ginger family and native to Southeast Asia. It grows up to 13 feet tall and has long pointed leaves, and bears fruit pods that contain 15-20 brownish seeds. These seeds are harvested, dried, and steam-distilled to create� 100% pure essential oil. While cardamom is widely cultivated throughout Asia and the Middle East, Guatemala is the largest producer of cardamom in the world as of today.

Carrot Seed Oil

The benefits of carrot seed oil include� antifungal, antibacterial and anticancer qualities, due to the bioflavonoids it contains. Because of its antioxidant content, carrot seed oil is an ingredient in a natural sunscreen product and may offer some sun protection, as well as skin-repairing to dry and damaged skin.

Carrot Seed Oil (High Caratol)

Carrot seed oil can also improve skin elasticity and tone. Carotenoids in it have been shown to improve skin elasticity and firmness. These substances� increase the skin\'s ability to produce collagen, which increases skin elasticity and minimises the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Cassia Oil IP Grade

Cassia Oil IP Grade

Catnip Oil Lemon Type

Lemon Catnip makes a nice� soothing and relaxing tea, effective at clearing sinus passages. Lemon Catnip makes a great natural insect repellent and companion plant! Catnip is a potent natural pest repellent against mosquitoes, ants, cockroaches, termites, fleas and Japanese beetles, as well as mice, rats and weevils.

Cedarwood Oil Atlas

Cedarwood Oil Atlas

Cedarwood Oil Himalayan

Cedarwood Oil Himalayan

Cedarwood Oil Texas

Cedarwood Oil Texas

Cedarwood Oil Virginian

Cedarwood Oil Virginian

Celery Seed Oil

Celery Seed Oil

Chamomile German Oil India

Chamomile German Oil India

Chamomile German Oil Nepal

Animal studies have shown that German chamomile� reduces inflammation, speeds wound healing, reduces muscle spasms, and serves as a mild sedative to help with sleep. Few studies have investigated whether the same is true in people. Test tube studies have shown that chamomile can kill bacteria, fungus, and viruses.

Chamomile Oil Yellow

Chamomile preparations are commonly used for many human ailments such as hay fever, inflammation, muscle spasms, menstrual disorders, insomnia, ulcers, wounds, gastrointestinal disorders, rheumatic pain, and hemorrhoids. Essential oils of chamomile are used extensively in� cosmetics and aromatherapy.

Chamomile Roman Oil

Chamomile (Roman) is one of the most useful and popular of all essential oils with properties that help with relaxation and soothing body and mind.

Champaca Leaf Oil

Champaca Leaf Oil

Chili Seed Oil

Chili Seed Oil

Cinnamon Leaf Oil

Cinnamon Leaf Oil

Citron (Citrus Medica) Oil

Citron (Citrus Medica) Oil

Citronella Oil Java

It is reputed to� reduce muscles spasms, ease headaches, and boost energy. Used cosmetically or topically in general, Citronella Essential Oil can deodorize and refresh foul body odors, eliminate head and body lice, slow the look of aging, enhance skin health, and improve skin\'s absorption of moisture.

Clary Sage Oil

It� calms rashes, balances the production of natural oil and sebum, and strengthens the skin and muscles. Used medicinally, Clary Sage Essential Oil eliminates or prevents the spread of harmful bacteria, facilitates the healing of wounds, and addresses muscle aches, joint pain, strains, and sprains.

Clementine Oil

Clementine Oil

Clove Bud Oil

Clove bud oil can be used� in a massage oil blend or as a balm to help relieve symptoms of arthritis, sprains, strains, and muscle pain, as well as rheumatism. Insecticide: Eugenol, the active ingredient in clove oil, repels insects (such as ants) and pests (such as mites, ticks, and spiders).

Clove Leaf Oil

Clove oil is an essential oil thatâ??s derived from clove trees. The clove tree, known as� Syzygium aromaticum, is native to Southeast Asia, although today you may find it growing in other locations, too.

Clove oil is produced by distilling the dried flower buds that are collected from the clove tree. Other parts of the tree, such as the stem and leaves, may also be used.

Clove oil, which ranges in color from colorless to light yellow and has a strong, spicy aroma, has been used for centuries in a variety of applications.

Clove Oil 85% Eugenol

Eugenol and clove extracts have also been purposed to be� beneficial for gastrointestinal complaints such as nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain and for cough, phlegm and chest congestion (as an expectorant).

Coffee Co2 Extract Oil

Coffee Co2 Extract Oil

Copaiba Balsam Oil

Copaiba Balsam Oil

Coriander Seed Oil

Coriander Seed Oil

Costus Root Oil

Costus Root Oil

Cumin Seed Oil

Cumin Seed Oil

Curcuma Zedoaria Oil

Curcuma Zedoaria Oil

Curry Leaf Oil

Curry Leaf Oil

Cypress Oil

Cypress Oil

Davana Oil

Davana Oil

Dill Seed Oil

Dill Seed Oil

Elemi Oil

Elemi Oil

Fennelseed Oil

Fennelseed Oil

Fenugreek Oil

Fenugreek Oil

Fir Needle Oil

Fir Needle Oil

Frankincense Oil Dark

Frankincense Oil Dark

Frankincense Oil Steam Distilled - Olibanum Oil

Frankincense Oil Steam Distilled - Olibanum Oil

Frankincense Resin Viscous Liquid

Frankincense Resin Viscous Liquid

Galangal Oil

Galangal Oil

Galbanum Oil

Galbanum Oil

Garlic Oil

Garlic Oil

Geranium Oil

Geranium essential oil is a� strong antibacterial agent that helps the body\'s different systems function properly. It also has a calming effect on the nervous system. It also has properties that help balance hormones in the endocrine system. Additionally, it has the ability to promote cell growth in the skin and hair.

Geranium Oil Bourbon

Geranium Oil Bourbon

Geranium Oil Egyptian

Geranium Oil Egyptian

Ginger Co2 Extract Oil

Ginger Co2 Extract Oil

Ginger Oil

Ginger Oil

Gingergrass Oil

Gingergrass Oil

Grapefruit Oil Pink

Grapefruit pink essential oil, like all citrus fruits, is found in the peel and extracted by compression. This aromatic oil has several advantages and is often used in aromatherapy. It\'s also utilised in a variety of body and skin care products. It is also found in shower gels and may be used as a diffuser and vaporizer. Grapefruit pink oil is a well-known oil for usage in combination with weight-loss regimens. Grapefruit oil can also be used to improve the flavour of foods and beverages. A cold compress is used to remove the oil from the rind.

Grapefruit Oil White

Grapefruit essential oil white disperses a fresh and tangy aroma which expresses a mouthwatering zest. When it comes to defining the position of grapefruit white essential oil, it deserves a radiant top note aroma. It has the remarkable ability to treat numerous skin ailments, respiratory problems and many others. We are the manufacturer and supplier of such� essential oil assortment� which provides exceptional and positive results in treating external and internal problems.

Helichrysum Oil

Helichrysum Oil

Ho Wood Oil

Ho Wood Oil

Holy Basil Oil

Holy Basil Oil

Honeysuckle Oil

Honeysuckle Oil

Hydechium Root Oil

Hydechium Root Oil

Hyssop Oil

Hyssop Oil

Juniper Berry Oil

Regarding aromatherapy, Juniper Berry\'s chemical profile is believed to be beneficial in� supporting cognitive function and overall mental health. Its calming scent is also believed to produce sedative effects. Diffusing Juniper Berry Essential Oil during meditation or prior to sleep may help one feel calm and relaxed.

Juniper Leaf Oil

Juniper Leaf Oil

Kaffir Lime Oil

Kaffir Lime Oil

Ruh Kewra Oil

Ruh Kewra Oil�  is used widely as a moisturizer in fairness creams, crack creams, burn ointments and many other cosmetics. It can be mixed and used with the regular creams and it can be mixed with rose water to make a perfect face wash. The use of kewra oil on the skin helps to attain a soft, glowing and healthier skin.

Kulanjan Oil

Kulanjan Oil

Laurel Berry Oil

Laurel Berry Oil

Lavandin Oil Abrialis

Lavandin Oil Abrialis

Lavandin Oil Grosso

Lavandin Oil Grosso

Lemon Eucalyptus Oil

Lemon eucalyptus essential oil is distilled from the leaves of the lemon eucalyptus tree. It is made of several different chemical components, including citronellal, which is also found in other essential oils.

Despite being similarly named, lemon eucalyptus essential oil is different from oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE), which is� often Trusted Source� an ingredient in natural mosquito repellents. OLE is extracted from the leaves of the lemon eucalyptus tree and is enriched for its active ingredient, para-menthane-3,8-diol (PMD).

Lemon Oil Cold Pressed

Lemon essential oil can be diluted and applied topically to your skin, as well as diffused into the air and inhaled. Some people swear by lemon essential oil as an ingredient that� fights exhaustion, helps with depression, clears your skin, kills harmful viruses and bacteria, and reduces inflammation.

Lemon Verbena Oil

Lemon verbena has been found to have� antispasmodic properties, which can help to lessen these spasms and relax the muscles, lessening pain. Lemon verbena is also an anti-inflammatory, which helps it to reduce painful inflammation in muscles and joints

Lime Oil

Lime Oil

Mace Oil

Mace Oil

Mandarin Oil

Essential oil of mandarin petit grain is� anti-nausea, relaxant, sedative and slightly hypnotic. It moderates the central nervous system and reduces insomnia as well as anxiety. Mandarin essence fights against dyspepsia and gastralgia. (It also fights effectively sleep disorders in children as well as skin ageing).

Marigold Essential Oil

Marigold Essential Oil

Marjoram Sweet Oil

Marjoram Sweet Oil

May Chang Oil

May Chang Oil

Melissa Oil

Melissa Oil

Mugwort Oil

Mugwort Oil

Myrrh Essential Oil

Myrrh Essential Oil

Myrtle Oil

Myrtle Oil

Nagarmotha Oil

Nagarmotha oil is an effective home remedy for� managing stomach disorders due to its antispasmodic and carminative properties. Nagarmotha oil also helps manage diabetes due to its antioxidant property. It prevents cell damage caused by free radicals and protects the body from certain diseases.

Narcissus Oil

Narcissus Oil

Neroli Oil

Neroli Oil

Niaouli Oil

Niaouli Oil

Nutmeg Oil

Nutmeg Oil

Nutmeg Oil (High Mystricin)

Nutmeg Oil (High Mystricin)

Oakmoss Oil

Oakmoss Oil

Orange Sweet Oil

Orange Sweet Essential Oil is cold pressed from the fruit rind of the sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) plant species to produce an oil with a beautifully refreshing, citrus-sweet scent reminiscent of ripe oranges.� 

From cleaning the home, calming the mind and brightening the skin, the versatility and uplifting scent of Orange Sweet Oil makes it one of the most popular� essential oils.� 

Orange Five Fold Essential Oil

Orange Five Fold Essential Oil can be used as� antidepressant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, carminative, cordial, deodorant, digestive, stimulant (nervous) and tonic (cardiac, circulatory).

Oregano Oil

Oregano Oil

Palmarosa Oil

Palmarosa essential oil can be used to� improve mental and physical well-being. It is commonly used for its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and stimulating properties. It can be added to a warm bath for a relaxing and soothing bath. It can also be added to skin care products to reduce infection and improve texture.

Palo Santo Oil

Palo Santo Oil

Parsley Seed Oil

Parsley Seed Oil

Patchouli Oil

Traditionally, patchouli has been used often as a medicinal ingredient to treat skin inflammations and scars, headaches, colic, muscle spasms, bacterial, and viral infections, anxiety, and depression. The Chinese, Japanese, and Arabs believe it to possess aphrodisiac properties. If using it on skin, it\'s best to dilute with a� carrier oil, as patchouli can be potent on its own.

Patchouli Oil High Patchouliol

Patchouli Essential Oil is presently used for various purposes including perfumery, aromatherapy, cosmetic products, home cleaning products, and clothing detergents. Through any of these methods, the calming scent of the essential oil relieves anxiety, stress, and depression, making it effective for achieving relaxation, especially in meditation.

Peach Oil

Peach Oil

Petitgrain Oil

Petitgrain Oil

Pine Oil

Pine Oil

Pine Sylvestris Oil

Pine Sylvestris Oil

Pomegranate Seed Oil

Pomegranate Seed Oil

Ravensara Oil

Ravensara Oil

Rosa Damascena Oil

Rosa Damascena Oil

Rose Centifolia Absolute

Rose Centifolia Absolute

Rose De Mai Absolute Oil

Rose De Mai Absolute Oil

Rose Geranium Oil

Rose Geranium Oil

Rose Oil (Rosa Damascena)-HD

Rose Oil (Rosa Damascena)-HD

Rose Oil For Soap, Candle, Perfumes

Rose Oil For Soap, Candle, Perfumes

Rosemary Oil

Used in aromatherapy, Rosemary Oil helps� reduce stress levels and nervous tension, boost mental activity, encourage clarity and insight, relieve fatigue, and support respiratory function. It is used to improve alertness, eliminate negative moods, and increase the retention of information by enhancing concentration.

Rosewood Oil (Bois De Rose Oil)

Rosewood Oil (Bois De Rose Oil)

Saffron Absolute 2.5%

Saffron Absolute 2.5%

Sage Oil

Sage Oil

Savory Winter Oil

Savory Winter Oil

Spearmint Oil

Spearmint essential oil has antifungal properties, according to a study presented at the 2011 International Conference on Environmental and Agriculture Engineering. Spearmint may help to relieve symptoms of digestive problems, by relaxing the stomach muscles, reducing symptoms of nausea, and other digestive problems.

Spikenard Oil Strong

Spikenard Oil Strong

Styrax Absolute

Styrax oil is known to be the oldest essential oils which has its use dating back to the old civilizations of the world and along with that, it is even used and known to be used in different religious ceremonies. The unique property of this oil is that it is a golden-colored oil and has a high aromatic property with a slight thick structure. It is extracted from the Benzoin tree and the main components of this oil are benzyl benzoate along with benzoic acid, and even vanillin.

Tagetes Oil

Tagetes Oil

Tamanu Oil

Tamanu Oil

Tangerine Oil

Tangerine Oil

Tarragon Oil

Tarragon Oil

Tea Tree Oil

The aboriginal people of Australia have traditionally used tea tree oil as an antiseptic (germ killer) and an herbal medicine. Today, external use of tea tree oil is promoted for various conditions such as� acne, athlete\'s foot, lice, nail fungus, cuts, mite infection at the base of the eyelids, and insect bites.

Tomerseed Oil

Tomerseed Oil

Turmeric Oil

Turmeric Oil

Valerian Root Oil

Valerian Root Oil

Vanilla Oil (High Vanillin)

Vanilla Oil (High Vanillin)

Vanilla Oil Food Grade

Vanilla Oil Food Grade

Vetiver Oil

Vetiver Oil

Vetiver Oil  Ruh Khus (Green)

There are many health benefits for vetiver oil and it is an� anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, nervine, sedative, tonic, vulnerary substance and a cicatrisant. Vetiver or the khus-khus is widely used in perfumes, cooling, and food and beverage products.

Wintergreen Oil

Wintergreen Oil

Wormwood Oil

Wormwood Oil

Yarrow Oil

Yarrow Oil

Ylang Ylang Extra

Ylang ylang essential oil benefits your health in numerous ways. This floral fragrance is extracted from the yellow flowers of a tropical plant, Ylang ylang (Cananga odorata), native to southeast Asia. This essential oil is obtained by steam distillation and is widely used in many perfumes, flavoring agents, and cosmetics. There are many studies conducted on its benefits. Many also vouch for its antimicrobial and anti-anxiolytic properties.

Ylang Ylang Medagascar

Ylang Ylang essential oil is derived from the flowers of the Cananga odorata tree, particularly those grown in Madagascar. It is known for its rich, exotic, and sweet floral scent and has been used for various purposes due to its potential benefits: Aromatherapy, Mood Enhancer, Aphrodisiac, Blood Pressure Regulation,Skin and Hair Care

Ylang Ylang Oil

Ylang ylang oil is made from the flowers of Cananga odorata genuina. It is sometimes inhaled as aromatherapy or applied to the skin as medicine. Ylang ylang oil is used� as a food flavoring and as a fragrance in cosmetics and soaps. It contains chemicals that might make people feel calm.

Yuzu Oil

Yuzu Oil


It is known to alleviate inflammation, headache, back pain, and tinnitus. While the aphrodisiac nature of this oil relaxes nerves, muscles, and boost libido. Imbued with strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory traits, the frangipani flower is beneficial in uplifting overall health and well-being.

Carrot Seed Oil

Carrot seed oil is a type of essential oil derived from the seeds of the Daucus carota plant. It is high in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, all of which have numerous skin and hair benefits. Add a few drops of carrot seed oil to your favourite moisturiser, serum, or shampoo to get started. It can also be used as a facial or hair oil. However, essential oils should always be diluted before use and should never be applied directly to the skin or scalp. If you have sensitive skin, perform a patch test before using carrot seed oil to ensure that you do not have an allergic reaction.



otus Absolute essential oil is extracted from the delicate flowers of the lotus plant and is known for its calming, soothing, and grounding aroma. This oil has been used for centuries in traditional wellness practices, making it a popular choice in aromatherapy and natural self-care.

Especially known for its ability to promote a sense of inner peace and tranquility, the oil is a great choice for those seeking a more mindful and relaxed state of mind. When diffused or used in massage oils, it can help to create a calming and peaceful atmosphere, making it a great choice for winding down after a long day.


Kapoor Kachari Essential Oil is� useful in local inflammations, nausea, asthma, bronchitis, hiccups and pain. It is antiasthmatic carminative, stimulant and tonic. It promotes hair growth by stimulating the roots. It also has antiseptic properties benefiting the scalp.




This essential oil has� anti aging properties that help to hybrid dry skin, treat acne, minimize the aging and wrinkles also. Did you know? Rose flowers are harvested by hand in the early morning. This is very sensitive to human body heat and also takes some very difficult processes.


The calming fragrance of mitti attar is appreciated for� providing ease in inflammation and pains. Use of this attar in aroma diffuser helps to decongest throat for helping in rhythmic breathing that calms the soul and body.


Its beautiful aroma� helps with anxiety by relieving depression. Fresh and sharp fragrance of Jasmine Sambac make you feel more hopeful and confident.


Our shamama attar is non-alcoholic, natural, and chemical-free which makes the product more convenient for smell-sensitive people. Besides that our shamama attar is well known for its� long-lasting effects and freshness. Just a small amount of liquid spray keeps your mood fresh, soothing, and calm.

Apricot Kernel Oil

Apricot Kernel Oil

Arnica Oil

Arnica Oil

Black Seed Oil

Black Seed Oil

Calendula Oil

Calendula Oil

Cucumber Oil

Cucumber Oil

Evening Primerose Oil

Evening Primerose Oil

Grapeseed Oil

Grapeseed Oil

Hazel Nut Oil

Hazel Nut Oil

Jojoba Clear Oil

Jojoba Clear Oil

Jojoba Golden Oil

Jojoba Golden Oil

Macadamia Nut Oil

Macadamia Nut Oil

Malkangani Seed Oil

Malkangani Seed Oil

Moringa Seed Oil

Moringa Seed Oil

Pomegranate Seed Oil

Pomegranate Seed Oil

Pumpkin Seed Oil

Pumpkin Seed Oil

Rosehip Seed Oil

Rosehip Seed Oil

Sweet Almond Oil

Sweet Almond Oil

Walnut Oil

Walnut Oil

Watermelon Seed Oil

Watermelon Seed Oil

Wheat Germ Oil

Wheat Germ Oil

White Tea Absolute  Oil

White Tea Absolute

White Lotus Absolute Oil

White Lotus Absolute Oil� bring freshness and vitality to the skin while providing the antioxidant protection at the same time. It helps to shrink pores and leaves the face feeling more fresh and vibrant.

Wallflower Absolute Oil

Wallflower Absolute Oil

Violet Leaf Absolute Oil

Violet Leaf Absolute Oil

Vetiver Absolute Oil

Vetiver Absolute Oil

Tulip Absolutel Oil

Tulip Absolutel Oil

Tuberose  Oil

Tuberose Oil

Tonka Bean Absolute Oils

Tonka Bean Absolute Oils


Jatamansi has several beneficial effects and is used for its potential effect in� cerebral ischemia, epilepsy, and liver damage; its oil may be used to get silky, smooth, and healthy hair; it may relieves symptoms of seizures, vertigo etc.18-Jul-2023

Sugandha Bala Essential Oil

Sugandha Bala Essential Oil is a natural antibacterial and has astringent properties, which makes it an excellent� anti-acne and anti-ageing agent. It is very popular in skin care industry for treating acne breakouts, calming skin and reducing effects of ageing.

Boid Da Rose

Bois de rose oil is made from the wood of the rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora) tree. People use it in perfumes and as medicine. Bois de rose oil is used for� sore muscles and stress, but there is no good scientific evidence to support its use for any condition.

Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil is available as an essential oil that is used as a medicine to treat a variety of common diseases and conditions including� nasal congestion, asthma, and as a tick repellant. Diluted eucalyptus oil may also be applied to the skin as a remedy for health problems such as arthritis and skin ulcers.

Eucalyptus Oil China

Eucalyptus Essential Oil\'s active chemical components contribute to its reputation as a� purifying, cleansing, clarifying, and immune-boosting oil� that is ideal for use on skin and in aromatherapy. It is known for its ability to reduce or eliminate harmful surface and airborne bacteria, and infections upon contact.

Eucalyptus Radiata Oil

Lemon-scented eucalyptus has specific properties:� anti-inflammatory and analgesic� (osteoarthritis, tendinitis, rheumatism, sprains, arthritis, headaches, painful menstruation). Its essential oil also treats skin disorders (Herpes zoster, athletes\' foot, mycoses, itching). It is also a good mosquito repellent.

Copper Pot Tree Designed Tank

Copper Pot Tree Designed Tank

Peacock Print Copper Pot Tank with Tumbler

Peacock Print Copper Pot Tank with Tumbler

Amber Solid Incense

Amber solid perfume incense is a type of fragrance made from a blend of essential oils and other aromatic materials that are solidified into a compact form.

Compostable Garbage Bag CGB - 1051

-These are with Gusset of size: 2 inches each side
-Milky White/ Green / Light Blue / Other Colours

Compostable Garbage Bag CGB - 1052

-These are with Gusset of size: 3.0 inches each side
-Milky White/ Green / Light Blue / Other Colours

Compostable Garbage Bag CGB - 1053

-These are with Gusset of size: 2 inches each side
-Milky White/ Green / Light Blue / Other Colours

Compostable Garbage Bag CGB - 1055

-These are with Gusset of size: 3.0 inches each side
-Milky White/ Green / Light Blue / Other Colours

Hammered Copper Jug

Hammered Copper Jug


Hina Attar Oil is a perfume of Indian origin flower Lawsonia Inermis that comes from a tree called henna. This flower contains numerous healthy compounds that actually� improve our hair, skin, and muscles. That\'s why heena tree flowers are used in fragrance, medicine, leather, and milk making also.

Set of Plain Jute bags

Set of Plain Jute bags

Animal Printed Jute Bags

Animal Printed Jute Bags

Lord Ganpati Print Jute Bag

Ganpati Printed Jute Bag

Leaves Printed Jute Bag

Leaves Printed Jute Bag

Plain Colored Jute Bag

Plain Colored Jute Bag

Colored Leaves Printed Bags

Colored Leaves Printed Bags

Strawberry Printed Jute Bag

Strawberry Printed Jute Bag

Simple Printed Jute Bag

Simple Printed Jute Bag

Simple Colored Print Bag

Simple Colored Print Bag

Circle Fancy Printed Jute Bag

Circle Fancy Printed Jute Bag

Puppet Printed Jute Bag

Puppet Printed Jute Bag

Panda Printed Jute Bags

Panda Printed Jute Bags

Flowers Printed Jute Bags

Flowers Printed Jute Bags

Peacock Printed Jute Bags

Peacock Printed Jute Bags

Colored Design Jute Bag

Colored Design Jute Bag

Plain Jute Bag

Plain Jute Bag

Brick Design Printed Jute Bags

Brick Design Printed Jute Bags

Puppets Colored Jute Bags

Puppets Colored Jute Bags

Circles Designed Jute Bag

Circles Designed Jute bag

Lord Shiva Printed Jute Bag

Lord Shiva Printed Jute Bag

Simple Print Jute Bag

Simple Print Jute Bag

Simple Jute Bag

Simple Jute Bag

Elephant Printed Jute Bag

Elephant Printed Jute Bag

Purple Flowers Printed Jute Bag

Purple Flowers Printed Jute Bag

3D Design Jute Bag

3D Design Jute Bag

Fortnum & Mason Jute Bag

Fortnum & Mason Jute Bag

Flowers Designed Jute bag

Flowers Designed Jute bag

Red Color Designed Jute Bag

Red Color Designed Jute Bag

Butterflies Printed Jute Bag

Butterflies Printed Jute Bag

Colored Flowers Design Jute Bag

Colored Flowers Design Jute Bag

Printed Jute Bag

Printed Jute Bag

Unique Designed Jute Bag

Unique Designed Jute Bag

Yoga Printed Jute Bag

Yoga Printed Jute Bag

Simple Design Jute Bag

Simple Design Jute Bag

Vegetable Printed Jute Bag

Vegetable Printed Jute Bag

Apples Printed Jute Bag

Apples Printed Jute Bag

Simple Design Bags

Simple Design Bags

Simple Flowers Print Jute Bag

Simple Flowers Print Jute Bag

Rose Flowers Print Jute Bag

Rose Flowers Print Jute Bag

Peacock Print Jute Bag

Peacock Print Jute Bag

Set of Printed Copper Bottle

Set of Printed Copper Bottle

Printed Copper Bottles

Printed Copper Bottles

Hammered Copper Water Pot Tank

Hammered Copper Water Pot Tank

Leaves Print Copper Bottle with Tumblers

Leaves Print Copper Bottle with Tumblers

Hammered Copper Pot Tank with Tumblers

Hammered Copper Pot Tank with Tumblers

Tree and Leaves Print Copper Bottles

Tree and Leaves Print Copper Bottles

plain Copper Tumblers

plain Copper Tumblers

Hammered Copper Bottle with Tumblers Set

Hammered Copper Bottle with Tumblers Set

Plastic Cap Copper Bottle with Tumblers Set

Plastic Cap Copper Bottle with Tumblers Set

Amazing Printed Copper Tumbler

Amazing Printed Copper Tumbler

Copper Printed Jar

Copper Printed Jar

Plain Copper Bottle With Tumblers

Plain Copper Bottle With Tumblers

Self Designed Copper Bottle With Tumblers

Self Designed Copper Bottle With Tumblers

Hammered Copper Bottle With Tumblers

Hammered Copper Bottle With Tumblers

Plain Copper Bottle

Plain Copper Bottle

Copper Bottle with Sipper

Copper Bottle with Sipper

Copper Shiny Brushed Bottle

Copper Shiny Brushed Bottle

Hammered Copper Jar

Hammered Copper Jar

Copper Sipper Bottle with Tumbler

Copper Sipper Bottle with Tumbler

Hammered Antique Copper Jar

Hammered Antique Copper Jar

Copper Bottle with Hammered Tumblers

Copper Bottle with Hammered Tumblers

Printed Curved Copper Glass

Printed Curved Copper Glass

Hammered Copper Bottle with Glass

Hammered Copper Bottle with Glass

Hammered Copper Premium Jar

Hammered Copper Premium Jar

Premium Copper Bottle with Glasses

Premium Copper Bottle with Glasses

Exclusive Hammered Copper Bottle With Tumbler

Exclusive Hammered Copper Bottle With Tumbler

Plain Curved Copper Bottle

Plain Curved Copper Bottle

Copper Bottle with Handle

Copper Bottle with Handle

Lavender Bulgarian Oil

Bulgarian lavender Oil is widely known as an� effective, natural analgesic or pain reliever. It has been included in remedies to relieve general pain and headaches in particular. Since oil is easily absorbed into the bloodstream and can penetrate beneath the surface of the skin it is widely used as a muscle relaxant.

Lavender Oil

Lavender essential oil is known to be rich in medicinal properties like� antimicrobial activity, anxiolytic, anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive, and antioxidant properties.

Lavender Oil 40/42

It can be used in a vaporizer to� treat respiratory infections and ease coughs, colds, and flu. 2. This oil could be used in lotions, foot creams, and hair products as a scent.

Lavender Oil For Soap

It has been one of the best potent plant cures,� providing both bodily and psychological healing. Headaches, insomnia, bug stings, infections, tension, and neurological strain are all helped by it. It also contains harmonizing effects that might help you gain energy and stamina

Lavender Oil Kashmir G1

Its soothing floral fragrance can be used as a perfume or to� relieve headaches and calm the mind. It also has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. A few drops in a hot bath or in a body oil can ease away stress and aid in a good night\'s sleep.

Lavender Oil Kashmir G2

Its versatile aroma has proven extremely beneficial in� reducing stress and anxiety� and thus the oil is widely recognized in aromatherapy. Kashmiri lavender is a must-have for every skincare regimen, as it is packed with critical nutrients and high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.

Spike Lavender Oil

Spike Lavender Oil has a powerful antiseptic action. It has soothing, healing properties and is particularly useful for wounds and damaged or scarred skin for relieving muscular aches and pain & respiratory congestion, headaches, rheumatic pain and dyspepsia.

Lemongrass Oil

Lemongrass oil can be extracted, and it\'s been used by healthcare providers to� treat digestive problems and high blood pressure. It has many other potential health benefits, too. In fact, lemongrass essential oil is a popular tool in aromatherapy to help relieve stress, anxiety, and depression.

Menthol Crystals

Menthol Crystals

Neem Oil

Neem Oil

Compostable Bag CCB 1001

These are with gusset and a weight lifting capacity ofabout 1.5kgs gusset size: 1.5 inches each side

Compostable Bag CCB 1002

These are with gusset and a weight lifting capacity of
about 2.5kgs gusset size: 2.0 inches each side

Compostable Bag CCB 1003

These are with gusset and a weight lifting capacity ofabout 4.0kgs gusset size: 2.5 inches each side

Compostable Bag CCB 1004

These are with gusset and a weight lifting capacity of about 5.0kgs
These bags are mostly used for pizza boxes gusset size: 3.0 inches each side

Compostable Pouch CSB 1021

Without Gusset | Milky White

Compostable Pouch CSB 1022

Without Gusset | Milky White

Compostable Pouch CSB 1023

-Without Gusset | Milky White

Compostable Pouch CSB 1024

-Without Gusset | Milky White

Compostable Pouch CSB 1025

-Without Gusset | Milky White

Compostable Pouch CSB 1026

-Without Gusset | Milky White

Compostable Grocery Bag CGB 1031

These bags do not have any gusset Weight lifting capacity of about 1kgs

Compostable Grocery Bag CSB - 1032

These bags have gusset Weight lifting vapacity of about 3kgs Gusset Size: 1.5 inches each side

Compostable Grocery Bag CGB - 1033

These bags do not have any gusset Weight
lifting vapacity of about 1kgs

Compostable Hotel Specials SDB - 1064

-Sanitary Disposals Bags Milky White

Food Container PFC 2001


Food Grade best quality paper from ITC - Indobowl/
Indobase (PE coated) approved by US FDA
Biodegradable & recyclable paper
Customization available - 360 printing on round walls.
Suitable for hot, cold & liquid items
Excellent edge-wick properties - Seepage/ Leakage resistant due to superior quality. Testing done for 7 days without deterioration of the product.
Product is free of optical brightening agents (OBAs) and fluorescentwhiteningagents(FWAs)

Food Container PFC 2002

350 ML (12 OZ) - WITHOUT LID

Food Grade best quality paper from ITC - Indobowl/
Infobase (PE coated) approved by US FDA
Biodegradable & recyclable paper
Customization available - 360 printing on round walls.
Suitable for hot, cold & liquid items
Excellent edge-wick properties - Seepage/ Leakage resistant due to superior quality. Testing done for 7 days without deterioration of the product.
Product is free of optical brightening agents (OBAs) and fluorescentwhiteningagents(FWAs)

Food Container PFC 2003

500 ML (16 OZ) - WITHOUT LID

Food Grade best quality paper from ITC - Indobowl/
Indobase (PE coated) approved by US FDA
Biodegradable & recyclable paper
Customization available - 360 printing on round walls.
Suitable for hot, cold & liquid items
Excellent edge-wick properties - Seepage/ Leakage resistant due to superior quality. Testing done for 7 days without deterioration of the product.
Product is free of optical brightening agents (OBAs) and fluorescentwhiteningagents(FWAs)

Food Container PFC 2004

700 ML (24 OZ) Without LID

Food Grade best quality paper from ITC - Indobowl/
Indobase (PE coated) approved by US FDA
Biodegradable & recyclable paper
Customization available - 360 printing on round walls.
Suitable for hot, cold & liquid items
Excellent edge-wick properties - Seepage/ Leakage resistant due to superior quality. Testing done for 7 days without deterioration of the product.
Product is free of optical brightening agents (OBAs) and fluorescentwhiteningagents(FWAs)

Food Container PFCL 2004


SIZE (IN MM) - A - 110 | H - 16
GSM - 300 (1 PE)

Compostable Crate Liners CCL - 1041

Compostable Crate Liners CCL - 1041

SIZE 20" X 24"
PC PER KG - 60

Brown Kraft Recycled Paper Bag

Brown kraft recycled paper bag

Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is promoted for topical use (applied to the skin) for problems like headache, muscle aches, joint pain, and itching. In aromatherapy, peppermint oil is promoted for� treating coughs and colds, reducing pain, improving mental function, and reducing stress.

Peppermint Oil (Mentha Arvensis)

Peppermint oil is promoted for topical use (applied to the skin) for problems like headache, muscle aches, joint pain, and itching. In aromatherapy, peppermint oil is promoted for� treating coughs and colds, reducing pain, improving mental function, and reducing stress


Used topically, Neem Carrier Oil can soothe red, itchy, inflamed skin associated with ailments like acne, burns, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, and rashes� among others. Neem Oil works as a natural substitute for anti-aging products and as a protective agent against skin damage caused by UV rays.


So our kesra attar not only smells good, sweet and strong, this perfume also gives several health benefits.


This Indian attar can aid with anxiety tension sadness and other nervous system diseases when used in aromatherapy The oud sandalwood Fragrant oils soothing aroma is thought to have a cooling effect making it effective in the formulation of lotions and ointments for boils bruises and skin inflammations

Sandalwood Oil

Inatur sandalwood oil is a relaxant that� improves mental functions by boosting memory and focus. It provides relief from inflammation, soreness, and irritated skin. Also, when you use this oil for body massage, it helps improve blood circulation and works to reduce blood pressure and body pain.

Sandalwood Oil 78%

It is often used to� treat acne and other skin conditions by addressing bacterial infections. Its antiseptic properties also make it effective for treating rashes and heat rashes. In addition to these benefits, sandalwood oil is also known to reduce the appearance of pores and treat dark spots and acne.

Sandalwood Oil 88%

Sandalwood oil with an 88% concentration is highly concentrated and may have various potential benefits. Sandalwood essential oil is typically extracted from the heartwood of the sandalwood tree (Santalum album) and is renowned for its rich, woody aroma.

Sandalwood Oil Australian

Sandalwood Oil Australian

Sandalwood Oil Natural Identical

It� helps soothe irritated skin, reduce redness, and promote a clear complexion. Additionally, the calming and grounding scent of sandalwood contributes to a luxurious sensory experience, making these products even more enticing to customers.

Hammered Copper Water Tank

Hammered Copper Water Tank

Thyme Oil

Thyme Oil

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